Glaro RecyclePro Open Top Recycling Bins
Some folks don't care for having a lid on their recycling bins. Glaro responded with the Open top RecyclePro recycling bins, single-purpose recycling containers without lids, but with the same variety of finishes and different messages to indicate the appropriate use. Please note that there are minimum orders on these units if you choose any finish other than Satin Aluminum.
Usage messages are silk-screened on the bin during the manufacturing process to provide for durable application and consistent location.
These units do not contain a plastic inner liner.
Need a container suitable for more than one recycling purpose? RecyclePros have several different configurations to best match your particular requirements.
If you have questions, please call us at 800-727-1485 or email us at info@avadenali.com. We're here 8 to 5, Monday through Friday.